Article by Scott Bryan Reviewing Google Plus
August 12th, 2011I came across this article reviewing Google + entitled “I’d Rather Be a Minus Than Be on Google +“. I am admittedly social media phobic – I closed my Facebook account after three weeks and only look at Twitter during emergencies. So I was curious about someone’s opinion of this new Google+ which is supposedly going to be the new Facebook killer. It’s a good article, enjoy.
J. Olkoski
Aldebaran Web Design, Seattle
Jill Olkoski has a BS in Engineering, a BS in Computer Science and an MA in Clinical Psychology. She delights in using her advanced technical and psychological skills to help small business owners develop cost-effective and successful websites.
August 13th, 2011 at 12:29 pm
Thanks for this Jill. Yes I found it informative and it confirms what I was already thinking, that perhaps one day, sometime in the future but not yet. I say this as someone who generally loves Google and its approach also as someone for whom Google search generates business.