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Blog > WordPress Hack Causes VirusScan Alert

Meet the author:
Jill Olkoski

Jill has a MA in Clinical Psychology, a BS in Computer Science, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering.

She currently owns Aldebaran Web Design in Edmonds (near Seattle WA) and enjoys educating her clients on topics related to small business website design.

In Jill's previous life, she spent 17 years in the engineering and quality organizations of a Fortune 100 tech company.


WordPress Hack Causes VirusScan Alert

March 1st, 2008

I received a strange email from a client, who said that he thought his website had a virus. When he went to his WordPress blog, he received this pop-up warning from VirusScan:


If you have a WordPress blog, please read on.

The message said:

Message: VirusScan Alert!
Pathname: Script executed by IEXPLORE.EXE
Detected As: JS/Downloader-AUD
State: Script execution blocked

My client contacted, his hosting company, and they found the culprit, a bunch of Javascript code had been appended to one of his WordPress Theme files (the header.php file) and it was this code that was detected as a virus on his PC.

We upgraded him to the latest version of WordPress and the VirusScan alert message has disappeared.

We do not know for sure how the hacker gained access to the WordPress Theme header.php file, but we’re hoping it is now addressed by the latest version of WordPress. Since this client had virus protection, the virus (if indeed it was one) was never downloaded to his computer.

It’s a jungle out there in internet land so keep that virus software and your blog software current!

Update: Here’s some recent articles:

WordPress JS/Downloader.Agent Virus

WordPress Hack Alert: spam redirect in wp-blog-header.php files

Patching the WordPress AnyResults.Net Hack

WordPress Exploit: wordpress_options

WordPress Hacked

J. Olkoski
Aldebaran Web Design, Seattle
Jill Olkoski has a BS in Engineering, a BS in Computer Science and an MA in Clinical Psychology. She delights in using her advanced technical and psychological skills to help small business owners develop cost-effective and successful websites.

2 Responses to “WordPress Hack Causes VirusScan Alert”

  1. baldo Says:

    same problem on my 2.3.3 wordpress blog.. that a huge problem

  2. Kelly Wright Says:

    Thumbs up to McAfee ;P I’ve seen VirusScan Enterprise working on Windows Server 2003 – it did pretty good. And there are not that many antivirus programs for Windows servers.

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